2827 results
Chronic Osteomyelitis on Femur X-Ray
Characteristic imaging features include
1. Sequestrum: Dead bone fragment separated from surrounding bone
periosteal new bone formation ... XRay #clinical #radiology
Benign Primary Bone Tumors: Pathogenesis of X-ray appearance
 • "Geographic" bone destruction
 • Lack of soft-tissue
periosteal reaction (formation ... XRay #diagnosis #Radiology
Paraseptal emphysema is localized near fissures and pleura and is frequently associated with bullae formation (area
associated with bullae formation ... #Clinical #Radiology
There is a hydropneumothorax.
Notice the air-fluid level (blue arrow).
The upper lobe is still attached to the
pulmonary cyst formation ... #Clinical #Radiology
On the lateral view spondylosis may mimick a lung mass.
Any density in the area of the
left side the formation ... #Clinical #Radiology
When a rib fracture heals, the callus formation may create a mass-like appearance (blue arrow).
Sometimes a
heals, the callus formation ... #Clinical #Radiology
MCP Cavitation on MRI - Knuckle Cracking
Real-time cine magnetic resonance imaging of the human metacarpalphalangeal joint
occurs and cavity formation ... clinical #Joint #MSK #Radiology
Parosteal Lipoma - MSK Radiology
Imaging Findings:
 • Frontal radiograph displays a radiolucent soft-tissue mass with internal
Parosteal Lipoma - MSK Radiology ... periosteal new bone formation ... with new bone formation ... mri #clinical #Radiology
Primairy TB is usually clinically silent.
In 5% of infected individuals the immunity is inadequate and clinically
with cavitaty formation ... #Clinical #Radiology
General Principle
• A small cuvette is rotated to simulate sluggish venous flow and stimulate clot
stimulate clot formation ... kinetics of clot formation ... about clot formation ... latency until clot formation ... of initial clot formation