THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY (TEG) General Principle • A small cuvette is rotated to simulate sluggish venous flow and stimulate clot formation. • The resistance to rotation due to the mass of the clot is measured, which allows the kinetics of clot formation to be assessed. • This provides information about clot formation and breakdown, and also reflects problems with coagulation cascade and platelet function. • This is displayed graphically as time (min) versus thromboelasticity (in mm). Explaining the numbers • R - reaction time - latency until clot formation begins as defined by an amplitude of 2 mm • K - K value - time from the end of R until the clot reaches 20mm – reflects speed of initial clot formation • α - alpha angle - the angle tangent to the curve at K • MA - maximum amplitude - reflects total clot strength • Lysis time (LY30) - % lysis after 30 min - reflects the fibrinolysis stage of clot development Nick Mark MD @nickmmark #TEG #Thromboelastogram #Thromboelastography #Diagnosis #Management #CriticalCare #Hematology #Interpretation