2888 results
Donning and Doffing Checklists - COVID19

Michigan Medicine @umichmedicine

#PPE #Removal #Donning #Doffing #Checklist #Management #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #PersonalProtectiveEquipment
Donning and Doffing ... #PPE #Removal #Donning ... #Doffing #Checklist
Checklist for removing PPE, using a tear-away gown here (this type of gown is preferred)
Inside the
Don't touch the front ... - Front of the ... #PPE #Removal #Donning ... #Doffing #Checklist
Warfarin color-coded tablets, initial dosing and INR targets

#pharmacology #overview #review #medications #drugs #cardiology #warfarin #management
tablets, initial dosing ... medications #drugs #cardiology
Pharmacology of diuretics

Acetazolamide, Loop diuretics, Thiazide‐like diuretics, MRA, Amiloride

Site of Action, Maximum Dose, Half-Life, Onset, Bioavailability,
Table #HalfLife #Dosing ... Thiazide #CHF #Cardiology
Atrial Myxoma on Cardiac MRI

Dr. Jacobo Kirsch

#Atrial #Myxoma #CardiacMRI #Cardiology #Clinical #Radiology
Myxoma #CardiacMRI #Cardiology ... #Clinical #Radiology
Anatomical Directions

Left/Right: the patient's left/right

Anterior/Ventral: front, or towards the patient's front

Posterior/Dorsal: back, or towards the rear
Anterior/Ventral: front ... the patient's front
CT Coronary Angiography Indications - Appropriateness Criteria


#CCTA #Appropriateness #criteria #indications #cardiology #radiology #CTA #Cardiac
#indications #cardiology ... #radiology #CTA
Summary of dosing recommendations in renal impairment of commonly used hypoglycaemic agents

#Diabetes #Diabetic #Medications #Pharmacology #Dosing
Summary of dosing ... #Pharmacology #Dosing ... #Dosing #Renal
Pain Assessment and Management Initiative (PAMI) - Pain Management and Dosing Guide

#Management #Pain #Pharmacology #Doses #Dosing
Management and Dosing ... Pharmacology #Doses #Dosing
Reduced DOAC Dosing for Atrial Fibrillation 

#DOAC #Reduced #Dosing #Reduction #Dose #Anticoagulation #Pharmacology #AFib #Renal #CKD
Reduced DOAC Dosing ... DOAC #Reduced #Dosing