77 results
The Starling and Revised Starling principle of fluid transport across capillary membranes.

a | According to the
conditions (intact glycocalyx ... The endothelial glycocalyx ... The sub-glycocalyx ... produces a colloid oncotic ... #Capillary #Oncotic
Conceptual Relationship between Volume Responsiveness and Volume Tolerance

Assessing for volume responsiveness would only tell you that
capillary leak) -glycocalyx ... -decreased oncotic
Causes of Generalized Edema - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Overfill (Increased renal sodium retention, Urine Na > 40meq/L)
Increased Interstitial Oncotic ... Decreased Capillary Oncotic
Mechanisms of Lower Extremity Edema: #Diagnosis #Pathophys #EM #IM #Edema #Lower #LowerExtremity #Causes #Starling #Oncotic #Hydrostatic
Causes #Starling #Oncotic
Pitting vs Non-Pitting Edema: Differential Diagnosis
For pitting edema: there's generally an issue with :
pressure ↓ Plasma oncotic
Causes of Edema - Differential Diagnosis
Pitting Edema:
  ↑ Hydrostatic - Too Much Fluid
Pressure ↓ Oncotic
Diarrhea - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
    - Invasive Infections
    - Non-Infections
Non-Infections Watery - Osmotic
Acute Diarrhea - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Ischemic: Small Bowel vs Large Bowel
 • Infectious: Diarrhea-Predominant
Non-Bloody • Dietary (osmotic
Diarrhea Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

 - Infectious
   - Noninvasive
     - Viral
Noninfectious Osmotic
Nephron Pathophysiology - Diuretic Sites of Action
1) Acetazolamide/canagliflozin
2) Osmotic agents (mannitol, urearetics)
3) Loop agents (eg, furosemide)
canagliflozin 2) Osmotic