25 results
Gordon's Sign on Physical Exam
There was an American neurologist named Alfred Gordon (1874-1953) who described Gordon's
Gordon's Sign on ... neurologist named Alfred Gordon ... who described Gordon's ... semiologianeurologica #Gordons
Gordon's Sign on Physical Exam - Babinski Equivalent
Gordon's sign is a clinical sign in which squeezing
Gordon's Sign on ... Babinski Equivalent Gordon's ... #Gordons #Reflex
Mulder's Test for Morton Neuroma

Mulder's test evaluates for Morton neuroma.
The first and fifth metatarsal heads are
Mulder's Test for Morton ... evaluates for Morton ... Mulders #Test #Sign #Morton
Pocket Comparison Guide to Heritable Hypertension Syndromes (Secondary Hypertension)

Bartter, Gitelman, Liddle, Primary Aldosteronism, 
GRA (Glucocorticoid Remediable
Mineralocorticoid Excess), Gordon
Secondary causes of Hypertension
 • Medications, Drugs, Chemo: NSAIDS, Steroids, CNI, Alcohol, Cocaine, OCP, Licorice, MAOI,
Geller syndrome, Gordon
Plantar Reflex (Babinski) Equivalents
Plantar toe reflex - Babinski - Move an object along the lateral aspect
Calf-toe reflex - Gordon
Streptococcus Bacteremia - Indications for Echocardiogram
1) Identify the streptococci:
  - Low-risk streptococci: S. intermedius, S.
gallolyticus, S. gordonii
Algorithm for Management of SIADH with Fluid Restriction and Urea

by Helbert Rondon, MD @NephroMD

#SIADH #Management #algorithm
by Helbert Rondon
Pathophysiology of hypotonic hyponatremia

by Helbert Rondon, MD @NephroMD

#hypotonic #hyponatremia #nephrology #algorithm #Pathophysiology
by Helbert Rondon
This brilliant summary of Kawasaki Disease comes from @DrCharlie19 - a Paediatric Registar based in London

Registar based in London