918 results
Insulin and analogues onset of action, peak times and duration.

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#pharmacology #table #comparison
#pharmacology #table ... #medications #halflife
Pharmacology of diuretics

Acetazolamide, Loop diuretics, Thiazide‐like diuretics, MRA, Amiloride

Site of Action, Maximum Dose, Half-Life, Onset, Bioavailability,
Pharmacology #Comparison #Table ... #HalfLife #Dosing
Pharmacokinetics of commonly used diuretics medications in CKD, Cirrhotic Ascites, and Heart Failure
 • Furosemide
Pharmacokinetics #halflife ... #comparison #table
Nerve agent exposure is a generalized whole-body exposure. Similar to organophosphates, symptoms and signs result from
Toxicology #NerveGas #NerveAgents ... SignsSymptoms #Table
Comparison of Opioid Withdrawal Profiles

#Opioid #Withdrawal #Pharmacology #Diagnosis #Addiction #Halflife #Timeline #Windows
Diagnosis #Addiction #Halflife
Nerve Agents - Toxicology
Agent - Color - Odor - Volatility - Lethal dose (LCt50) - Aging
DallasTXTox #NerveAgents ... #Toxicology #Halflife
Pharmacologic effects and duration of action of some commonly used natural and synthetic corticosteroids. Activities are
Steroids #Duration #HalfLife
Nerve agents are similar to organophosphate pesticides in their mechanism of action and symptomology. They phosphorylate
Toxicology #Mechanisms #NerveAgents
Summary table of autoimmune diseases and the specific antibody related to the disease. Visit gramproject.com for
Summary table of ... medical diagrams, tables ... diagnosis #algorithm #table
Summary table of mechanism of action, side effect and contraindications of commonly used drugs for tuberculosis.
Summary table of ... medical diagrams, tables ... #medications #table