1902 results
Hamstring Flexibility Test

Hamstring flexibility testing can also be performed with the hip and knee flexed to
Hamstring Flexibility ... Test Hamstring ... open_michigan #Hamstring ... Flexibility #Test #PhysicalExam
In a patient in the supine position, raising the leg with the knee extended stretches the
abnormalities have hamstring ... #Diagnosis #PhysicalExam
Tone - Popliteal Angle on Physical Exam
The popliteal angle is an assessment of the tone of
the tone of the hamstring ... tone #Newborn #PhysicalExam
Leg Pain - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Bone/Joint Causes of Leg Pain:
 • Fracture
 • Arthritis
 • Gout/pseudogout
Shin splints • Hamstring ... extremity #msk #physicalexam
Spondylolysis & Spondylolisthesis: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings

Pars interarticularis stress fracture (spondylolysis) - most frequently in the
length due to tight hamstrings
Spinal Cord Injury by Nerve Root Levels
Spinal Root	Sensory	Motor	Reflex
C4	Acromioclavicular Joint	Respiration	None
C5	Radial Antecubital Fossa	Elbow Flexion	Biceps Reflex
C6	Dorsal Thumb	Wrist Extension	Brachioradialis Reflex
C7	Dorsal
Toe Extension Hamstring
POCUS Evaluation for Proximal Hamstring Rupture

- Jesse Lee, MD & Jordan Wackett, MD, MPH

#Hamstring #POCUS #Evaluation
Evaluation for Proximal Hamstring ... Wackett, MD, MPH #Hamstring
Jugular Venous Distension on PhysicalExam

#JVP #Distension #Elevated #PhysicalExam #Clinical #Cardiology #Neck #Video #Jugular
Distension on PhysicalExam ... Distension #Elevated #PhysicalExam
Clinical Examination of the Respiratory System

#Respiratory #PhysicalExam #Pulmonary #Diagnosis #Signs #Assessment #Examination
#Respiratory #PhysicalExam
Pediatric Cardiovascular Exam - Infographic Checklist

#PhysicalExam #Cardiovascular #Checklist #Cardiology #Signs #Findings #Peds #Pediatrics #Paediatrics
Infographic Checklist #PhysicalExam