143 results
Several artifacts can cause significant and potentially misleading alterations to measured RBC parameters: 
1. Old samples
Schistocytes #Pyknocytes #Elliptocytes ... Bite #Keratocyte #Blister ... #HelmetCells
Elliptocyte - 
Note the shape of these appropriately named erythrocytes.
In addition to hereditary elliptocytosis, elliptocytes can
Elliptocyte - ... elliptocytosis, elliptocytes ... #Blood #Smear #Elliptocyte
Schistocytes can assume a shape resembling natural or man-made objects such as arrowheads, fish, collar buttons,
teardrop cell, 2 blister ... Smear #Helmet #HelmetCells
Approach to Cutaneous Blisters

#Diagnosis #Dermatology #Blisters #Bullae #Rash #Differential #Algorithm
Approach to Cutaneous Blisters ... #Dermatology #Blisters
The arrows point to blister cells. These cells are thought to be precursors of helmet cells.
arrows point to blister ... #BlisterCells #Blister
Burn Injury - Depth and Grading Degrees
Superficial thickness (first degree): 
 • Painful, Does not blister,
Painful, Does not blister ... second degree): • Blisters
Vesiculobullous Skin Rash - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Vesicles Fragile/EasiIy Ruptured - Intraepidermal blisters, possibly crusts/erosions
 - Inflammatory
Intraepidermal blisters ... - Subepidermal blisters ... , tense intact blisters
Pathologic Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphologies and Associated Diseases

Acanthocyte (spur cell),  
Basophilic stippling, 
Bite cell,
Bite cell, Elliptocyte
Personality Disorders - Clusters
Cluster A 
 - Schizotypal
 - Paranoid 
 - Schizoid 
Cluster B
Disorders - Clusters Cluster ... - Schizoid Cluster ... Narcissistic Cluster
Glitter Cells on Urine Microscopy
Glitter cells in the urine are viable and pale staining WBCs with
Glitter Cells on ... Urine Microscopy Glitter ... MunerMohamed1 #Glitter