363 results
Elliptocyte - 
Note the shape of these appropriately named erythrocytes.
In addition to hereditary elliptocytosis, elliptocytes can
Elliptocyte - ... elliptocytosis, elliptocytes ... #Blood #Smear #Elliptocyte
Pathologic Red Blood Cell (RBC) Morphologies and Associated Diseases

Acanthocyte (spur cell),  
Basophilic stippling, 
Bite cell,
Bite cell, Elliptocyte ... Morphologies #Key #Atlas #Microscopy
Schistocytes can assume a shape resembling natural or man-made objects such as arrowheads, fish, collar buttons,
Smear #Helmet #HelmetCells
Crusted Scabies - Physical examination now revealed a generalized erythematous and scaly rash with intense hyperkeratotic
Microscopic examination ... CrustedScabies #Scabies #Microscopy
Urine Microscopy Instructions
1) Spin fresh urine sample (10-15mL) in a centrifuge for 3-5 minutes - Don't
Urine Microscopy ... one drop on a microscope ... iMedEducation #Urine #Microscopy
Urine Microscopy Guide

#Diagnosis #Path #Nephrology #Urine #Microscopy #Chart #Guide #atlas
Urine Microscopy ... Nephrology #Urine #Microscopy
Fusarium on Culture and Microscopy
Collecting a sample for culture from the eye is never fun, but
on Culture and Microscopy ... & reverse) 2) microscopic ... Fusarium #Culture #Microscopy
Lipid Casts on Urine Microscopy

Dr. Telma Lemos @TELMALEMOS10

#Lipid #Casts #Urine #Microscopy #clinical #fatty #nephrology
Casts on Urine Microscopy ... #Casts #Urine #Microscopy
Calcium Oxalate Cast on Urine Microscopy

Dr. Telma Lemos @TELMALEMOS10

#Calcium #Oxalate #CaOx #Cast #Urine #Microscopy #clinical #nephrology
Cast on Urine Microscopy ... #Cast #Urine #Microscopy
Uric Acid Crystals on Urine Microscopy

Dr. Telma Lemos @TELMALEMOS10

#UricAcid #Crystals #Urine #Microscopy #clinical #nephrology
Crystals on Urine Microscopy ... Crystals #Urine #Microscopy