150 results
Herbal or Natural Supplements with Antiplatelet Properties or Increase Risk of Bleeding

#Herbal #Supplements #Herbs #Antiplatelet #Activity
#Supplements #Herbs
Erb's Palsy and Ptosis on Newborn Examination after Delivery

Two issues here related to shoulder dystocia with
NICU_Musings #Erbs
Erb's Palsy on Physical Exam

Caused by brachial plexus birthing injury.

#Erbs #Palsy #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #pediatrics #neurology
#Erbs #Palsy #PhysicalExam
Football Appearance of SBO on POCUS

Dr. Meghan Herbst @EUSmkh

#SBO #POCUS #ultrasound #clinical #small #bowel #obstruction
Meghan Herbst @EUSmkh
Cholecystitis on POCUS (Labeled)

Ultrasound showing gallstone, wall thickening, and pericholecystic fluid.

Dr. Meghan Herbst @EUSmkh

#Cholecystitis #POCUS #clinical
Meghan Herbst @EUSmkh
Free Air at the Peritoneal Line on POCUS

Chief Complaint: "my girl stabbed me"

Labeled Diagram: https://twitter.com/EUSmkh/status/752864010337415169

- Dr.
Meghan Herbst https
Intramural Ectopic Pregnancy on Transvaginal Pelvic Ultrasound

Sagittal plane viewed with endocavitary transducer. Due to the thin
Meghan Herbst @EUSmkh
Rib Fracture on POCUS

There is an interruption in the continuity of this bone (rib), indicated by
Meghan Herbst @EUSmkh
Small Bowel Obstruction (Jejunum) Visualized on POCUS
Convex transducer viewing dilated jejunum w/ valvulae conniventes (“keyboard sign”).
Meghan Herbst @EUSmkh
Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy on Pelvic Ultrasound

Assessment for an intrauterine pregnancy (IUP). Uterine landmarks are bladder (B)
Meghan Herbst @EUSmkh