2838 results
The electrocardiogram in the ACS patient: high-risk electrocardiographic presentations lacking anatomically oriented ST-segment elevation

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #ECG
#Diagnosis #Cardiology ... #Equivalents #HighRisk
Frank-Starling Curve in Congestive Heart Failure

Goal in HF mgmt is to reduce preload (EDV) to reach
(EDV) to reach higher ... #Diagnosis #Cardiology
2 Percent MACE Image - After calculating the risk for acute coronary syndrome, select the corresponding
conservative (i.e. highest ... #PatientInfo #Cardiology
Managing warfarin INR

Warfarin dosage must be individualized according to the patient's response to the drug, and
range) is 65% or higher ... #decisionaid #cardiology
1 Percent MACE Image - After calculating the risk for acute coronary syndrome, select the corresponding
conservative (i.e. highest ... #PatientInfo #Cardiology
Cardiac CT (CCTA) of Flail Posterior Mitral Leaflet (P2).  It’s thought that P2, as the
that P2, as the highest ... scallop sustains the highest ... AChoiHeart #Clinical #Radiology ... #Cardiology #CardiacCTA
3 Percent MACE Image - After calculating the risk for acute coronary syndrome, select the corresponding
conservative (i.e. highest ... #PatientInfo #Cardiology
HFrEF: Guideline Directed Medical Therapy

"Must Be On"
 • ACEI, ARB, or ARNI AND select Beta Blockers
or ARB dose for higher ... medications #chf #cardiology
Cardiac etiologies of syncope (red line above) have the highest associated mortality! #EBM #EM #IM #Cardiology
above) have the highest ... #EBM #EM #IM #Cardiology
Flowchart to diuretic use in acute heart failure.

(A) Congestion with volume overload. 

(B) Treatment algorithm after
&Higher dose should ... #HeartFailure #Cardiology