179 results
Fracture and Dislocation of Left Hip: Notice that left leg is foreshortened and rotated externally.

Charlie Goldberg,
foreshortened and rotated externally ... Trauma #Photo #HipFracture ... Foreshortening #Rotation #Externally
Landmark technique for fascia iliaca nerve block for hip fractures in the Emergency Department. 

Created by
anesthesiology #geriatrics #hipfracture
Crank Test for Labral Tear of the Shoulder

To perform the Crank Test, fully abduct the shoulder
Internally and externally
Classification of Hip Fracture According to Anatomical Fracture Site. Hip fractures are anatomically classified in relation
Classification #HipFracture
Femoral Head Fracture: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Posterior hip dislocation -> Impaction force from femoral
of fracture • Externally ... leg length • Internally
Difficult Airway Assessment - LEMON Mnemonic

 - Look Externally
 - Evaluate
 - Mallampati
 - Obstruction or
Mnemonic - Look Externally
Selected Treatments for Hip Fracture. Panel A shows internal fixation with multiple screws for a nondisplaced
EM #Approaches #HipFracture
Patients with large hip fractures often present with an externally rotated and shortened lower extremity. However,
present with an externally ... Foreshortened #Externally
Anterior Shoulder Dislocation - ED Management
The shoulder is the most commonly dislocated major joint, 95% of
Blow to abducted, externally ... slight abduction & external
External Carotid Artery Branches - Mnemonic
Some Attendings Like Freaking Out Potential Medical Students
S - Superior Thyroid
External Carotid ... By @rev.med #External