7565 results
The retracted visceral pleura is seen (blue arrow) which indicates that there is a pneumothorax.
There is
There is a horizontal ... only key to the diagnosis ... #Clinical #Radiology
The retracted visceral pleura is seen which indicates that there is a pneumothorax.
There is a horizontal
There is a horizontal ... only key to the diagnosis ... #Clinical #Radiology
One-and-a-Half Syndrome
1 - One eye cannot move AT ALL horizontally
1/2 - The other eye can only
cannot move AT ALL horizontally ... of the possible horizontal ... Half #Syndrome #diagnosis
Horizontal Nystagmus on Ocular Examination

Dr Prasad Jain @DrPrasadJain

#Horizontal #Nystagmus #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #neurology #ophthalmology
Horizontal Nystagmus ... DrPrasadJain #Horizontal
Horizontal reverberation artifacts - A-lines are visualized as hyperechoic, horizontal artifacts at regular intervals deep to
Horizontal reverberation ... as hyperechoic, horizontal ... #Clinical #EM #Radiology
Characteristics of Peripheral and Central Vertigo
 • Onset: Sudden
 • Intensity: Severe initially, often decreasing
posterior canal BPPV; horizontal ... in horizontal canal ... BPPV; horizontal-torsional ... Central #Vertigo #diagnosis
Normal horizontal repetitive artifacts (A Lines) 

 - Dustin Morrow MD @SonoSerious

#ALines #Artifact #Pulmonary #Lung #Ultrasound
Normal horizontal
Vestibular neuritis + unilateral hearing loss = Labyrinthitis 
1) Vertigo (severe) 
2) Gait instability 
Nystagmus (unilateral, horizontal ... Labyrinthitis #Diagnosis
Nystagmus: Rapid, rhythmic, repetitious, and involuntary eye movements. Nystagmus can be horizontal, vertical, or rotary.

The Bridge
Nystagmus can be horizontal
ST segment elevation in acute myocardial ischemia

ST segment elevations with straight (horizontal, upsloping or downsloping) or
with straight (horizontal ... #Diagnosis #Cardiology