76 results
Malignant Hyperthermia is a very rare, but life-threatening condition that can occur after using certain anesthetic
between different hospitals ... #anesthesia #anesthesiology
COVID-19 for the Hospitalist 

Kristen Rogers MD MPH @KristenRogersMD

#COVID19 #Hospitalist #Cheatsheet #Diagnosis #Management #Summary #SARSCoV2 #Coronavirus
COVID-19 for the Hospitalist ... KristenRogersMD #COVID19 #Hospitalist
Fantastic handout on anticoagulation by Dr. Jessie Donato, superstar medical educator and hospitalist at ⁦@ClevelandClinic⁩ ⁦@CCF_IMCHIEFS⁩

medical educator and hospitalist
Physiologic, Anatomic and Pharmacologic Differences in Pediatric Anesthesiology

- Mark Harris, MD MPH

#Pediatrics #Anesthesiology #Peds #Differences #Adults
Differences in Pediatric Anesthesiology ... #Pediatrics #Anesthesiology
Comparison Table of Induction Agents in Anesthesiology
 - Sodium thiopental 
 - Propofol 
 - Etomidate
Induction Agents in Anesthesiology ... Induction #Agents #Anesthesiology
Somatosensory Evoked Potentials Anesthesiology Cheatsheet

 - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD

#Somatosensory #Evoked #Potentials #Anesthesiology #Cheatsheet
Evoked Potentials Anesthesiology ... Evoked #Potentials #Anesthesiology
Airway Innervation - Anatomy

 - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD

#Airway #Innervation #Anatomy #Anesthesiology
Innervation #Anatomy #Anesthesiology
Cheatsheet for Malignant Hyperthermia in Anesthesia 

 - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD

#Malignant #Hyperthermia #Anesthesia
Hyperthermia #Anesthesia #Anesthesiology
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance vs Systemic Vascular Resistance

#Pulmonary #Vascular #Resistance #Systemic #Comparison #pulmonaryhypertension #PHTN #pathophysiology #anesthesiology #anesthesia
pathophysiology #anesthesiology
Coronary Oxygen Balance 

Myocardial Oxygen Demand <-> Coronary Artery Blood Flow <-> Oxygen Availability

#cardiac #oxygen #pathophysiology
pathophysiology #anesthesia #anesthesiology