7 results
Hydroxyurea - Pathophysiology and Benefits in Sickle Cell Disease
 • Decreases number of pain crises (
Hydroxyurea - Pathophysiology ... decreased mortality #Hydroxyurea
Hyperviscosity Syndrome - Causes and Treatment

 - Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia (most common) / Plasmapheresis 
 - Multiple
Leukapheresis + Hydroxyurea ... Leukapheresis + Hydroxyurea
Medications for the Management of Anemia

 - Cyanocobalamin/B12
 - Erythropoietin/epoetin alfa
 - Darbepoetin alfa
CELL ANEMIA - Hydroxyurea
Algorithmic Approach to Anemia - Differential Diagnosis Framework by MCV

Microcytic (MCV < 80) "TAILS":
 • Thalassemia
., hydroxyurea,
Polycythemia Vera (PV) - Diagnosis and Management Summary
Diagnostic Criteria:
 • Elevated hemoglobin and/or hematocrit AND
- Phlebotomy + hydroxyurea
Leukostasis vs Tumor Lysis Syndrome
 • Pathophysiology: Large, immature blasts and high WBC count cause hyperviscosity
Cytoreduction with hydroxyurea
Essential Thrombocythemia (ET)
ET is a chronic myeloproliferative neoplasm. Most cases are related to mutations that affect
Aspirin - Hydroxyurea ... aspirin - Hydroxyurea