1387 results
Hypokalemia Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • High Al, Low R - Primary aldosteronism
 • High Al, High
drainage, Post-hypercapnia ... Diagnosis #Algorithm #nephrology
Causes of Hypokalemia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Defining the cause of hypokalemia starts by measuring urinary K
drainage, Post-hypercapnia ... algorithm #causes #nephrology
Causes of Metabolic Alkalosis: Differential Diagnosis
ECF volume contracted: urine chloride concentration <20 meq/L
 • Gastric alkalosis:
Status/ postchronic hypercapnia ... Diagnosis #Causes #nephrology
Stroke Mimics - Differential Diagnosis - MINT Mnemonic
 • Metabolic: Hyper-glycemia, Hypoglycemia, Wernicke's encephalopathy, Mitochondrial Encephalopathy
Encephalopathy, Hypoxia/Hypercarbia ... MINT #Mnemonic #neurology
What's in a Blood Gas? VBG vs ABG

BOTTOM LINE: VBG is less painful, more easily obtained
predicting arterial hypercarbia
COPD phenotypes:  Blue Bloaters vs. Pink Puffers
The two most stereotypical forms of COPD are pink
substantial chronic hypercarbia ... manifest with severe hypercapnia
Flapping tremors of Asterixis

- Decompensated cirrhosis or acute liver failure.
- Renal failure /azotemia.
- Respiratory failure with
dioxide toxicity (hypercapnia
An Approach to Acute Dyspnea

General Categories: Hypoxemia, Hypercapnia, Acidemia, Poor O2 Delivery (without hypoxemia),  Miscellaneous
Categories: Hypoxemia, Hypercapnia
Altered Mental Status - Differential Diagnosis
 • Neurologic: Stroke, Cerebral hypoxia, Cerebral hemorrhage, Seizure, Trauma, TBI,
Hypoglycemia, Hypercarbia
Causes of Postoperative Hypercarbia:
 - drug-induced central respiratory depression 
 - intrapulmonary abnormality 
Postoperative Hypercarbia ... Postoperative #Hypercarbia ... #Differential #Hypercapnia