4 results
Diagnostic Schema for Hyperferritinemia

Pearl: Diseases associated with extreme elevations: 
1. HLH 
2. Still's disease 
3. Systemic
Diagnostic Schema for Hyperferritinemia ... #Ferritin #Hyperferritinemia
Conditions Associated With Hyperferritinemia 
DDx of extreme hyperferritinemia >10,000
Not just HLH - in fact, most common
Associated With Hyperferritinemia ... DDx of extreme hyperferritinemia ... Determined #Hyperferritinemia
Causes of Hyperferritinemia - Differential Diagnosis
Ferritin > 1000
Ferritin is the storage form of iron. Increased hepcidin
Causes of Hyperferritinemia ... @AnnKumfer #Hyperferritinemia
Adult-Onset Still's Disease
Clinical triad: Fever, Arthralgia/arthritis, Skin rash ± odynophagia
+ Biological inflammation: Increased neutrophils, Hyperferritinemia, decreased
Increased neutrophils, Hyperferritinemia