6 results
Cushing Syndrome Testing Algorithm
 • Suspected Cushing syndrome (central obesity, muscle weakness, refractory hypertension)
endocrinology #Adrenal #Hyperfunction
Anosmia / Smell Dysfunction - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Nasal Obstruction/ URTI:
 • Septal Deviation
 • Allergic Rhinitis
Mellitus • Adrenal Hypofunction ... • Adrenal Hyperfunction
Medications associated with neuroleptic malignant syndrome

First-generation and second-generation antipsychotics are dopamine receptor antagonists, which produce a
of dopaminergic hypofunction
Acute Voice Hoarseness - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
Constant - Infectious:
 • Viral Laryngitis
 • Fungal Laryngitis (Monilia)
Overuse Variable - Hyperfunction
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia - 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency - Signs and Symptoms
 • Brain: Androgenization effects, Glucocorticoid effects,
Reproductive: Gonadal hypofunction
Sjogren's Syndrome Overview

• F > M: 9:1
• 5-6th Decades (can be any age)

Autoimmune exocrinopathy multisystemic disease
eyes • Salivary hypofunction