7179 results
Anatomy of appendix 
#appendix #surgery #anatomy #retrocecal
Anatomy of appendix ... #appendix #surgery
Appendix Positions
 - Retrocecal (*most common)
 - Post-ileal
 - Pre-ileal
 - Sub-ileal
 - Pelvic
 - Subcecal
Appendix Positions ... By @rev.med #Appendix
Hemolytic Anemias - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Signs of anemia and hemolysis:
 • ↓ Haptoglobin
 • ↑ LDH
Hemolytic Anemias (AIHAs ... Hemolytic Anemias (AHAs
Appendicitis on Abdominal Ultrasound

Noncompressible tubular structure with adjacent hyperechoic peri-appendiceal fat.

Dr. J. Christian Fox @jchristianfox

#Appendicitis #Appendix
#Appendicitis #Appendix ... POCUS #Ultrasound #Clinical
Appendicitis on POCUS

Gorgeous appendicitis just beneath the peritoneal line with the psoas mm laterally.

Labeled Schematic: https://twitter.com/EUSmkh/status/841741820375797762

#Appendicitis #appendix ... #POCUS #clinical
Alternatives to opioids for pain management in the emergency department decreases opioid usage and maintains patient
satisfaction Appendix
POCUS diagnosis of acute appendicitis:
(1) Blind-ended
(2) Target shaped tubular structure
(3) Originating from the cecum
(4) Non-compressible
(5) Non-peristalsing
Appendicitis #Abdominal #Appendix ... #Clinical #POCUS
Colitis - Differential Diagnosis by Segment Location

Ascending Colon:
 - Shigella
 - Salmonella
 - Amebic colitis
Hepatic flexure:
Watershed) Cecum and Appendix
Appendicitis on POCUS

What is your diagnosis?
Resolution: appendicitis (criteria >6mm, noncompressible, blind-ended, no peristalsis). When diagnosed by
usually anterior to Iliacs ... #Appendicitis #appendix ... #POCUS #clinical
Map of Referred Pain
Referred pain occurs when nerves from two different anatomic sites converge onto the
Gallbladder — Appendix