43 results
A prospective randomized, double-dummy trial comparing IV push low dose ketamine to short infusion of low
trial comparing IV push ... compared to IV-push ... dhcisewski #LowDose #IVPush
Infective endocarditis - etiology and sources of infection. 
 • Native and prosthetic 
valve endocarditis
antibiotic use • IVDUs
Mitral Valve Vegetation Echocardiogram
Juicy vegetation on a mitral valve.

31% S. Aureus (IVDUs, IV lines)
17% Strep viridans
Aureus (IVDUs, IV
Diastolic Dysfunction Grading - Echocardiography
Grade 0  (Normal):
 • E/A >0.8, e’ > 8 cm/s, E/e’
causing more “Push ... causing more “Push
Treatment of Stable Narrow-Complex Tachycardia
Regular Rhythm:
 • Attempt vagal maneuvers
 • Give adenosine 6 milligrams IV
milligrams IV push ... milligrams IV push
REBEL Review 74: Push-Dose Epinephrine 

9 mL Saline + 1 mL Epi (100mcq/mL) = Epinephrine 10mcg/mL
REBEL Review 74: Push-Dose
Post Intubation Checklist
 - Inflate balloon 
 - Note tube depth 
 - Secure the tube
Repeat vitals - Push
Clarke's Test (Patellar Grind Test)

Indicates Patellofemoral dysfunction.
 - Patient with knee in extension. Push posterior on
Push posterior on
EZ-IO® Device Proximal
Humerus Identification
and Insertion Technique

 • Prepare the site by using antiseptic solution per institutional
Push the needle
Priority-based management algorithm for the undifferentiated patient in PEA arrest
PEA (no pulse by manual palp +
vasopressor infusion / Push-dose