564 results
Understanding & Treating ARDS - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

•  Timing - within one week of
overload or CHF • Impaired ... Diagnosis #Management #CriticalCare
ELAIN trial - Visual Abstract
Does Early Initiation of Renal Replacement Therapy have a better impact on
have a better impact ... Nephrology #EBM #RRT #CriticalCare
Schematic representation of the physiologic effects of Nasal High Flow (NHF) and possible impact of the
) and possible impact ... highflownasalcannula #criticalcare
Lactic Acidosis - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Type A: Impaired O2 Delivery (DO2)
 • Decreased O2 Delivery: Hypotension
Framework Type A: Impaired ... dysfunction Type B: Impaired ... Isoniazid) • Impaired ... Differential #Diagnosis #criticalcare
Difficult Airway Algorithm

1. Assess the likelihood and clinical impact of basic management problems: 
 • Difficulty
likelihood and clinical impact ... Anesthesiology #Anesthesia #CriticalCare
Shock Types - Classification
State of cellular and tissue hypoxia due to: reduced oxygen delivery, increased oxygen
• Mechanical (impaired ... diagnosis #management #criticalcare
Approach to using the perfusion scan in Brain Death Evaluation

Like any diagnostic test, a flow scan
The presence of impaired ... #Diagnosis #CriticalCare
ECMO Troubleshooting - OnePager Summary
ECMO Emergency Protocol - Team should train/practice & have necessary supplies at
membrane lung), or impaired ... differential #management #criticalcare
Aphasia - Pathophysiology and Clinical Findings
Broca's Aphasia - Expressive language impairment: non-Fluent
 - Sensory speech areas
& reading) - Impaired ... areas is also impaired ... areas is also impaired ... → Impaired naming ... speech output - Impaired
Cardiogenic Shock algorithm #algorithm #cardiology #cardiogenicshock #criticalcare #algorithm
cardiogenicshock #criticalcare