325 results
Diphyllobothriasis - Diphyllobothrium Life Cycle
1) Unembryonated eggs passed in feces
2) Eggs embryonate in water
3) Coracidia hatch
from eggs and are ingested ... crustaceans 5) Infected ... crustacean ingested ... fish 7) Human ingests ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Clonorchiasis - Clonorchis sinensis Life Cycle
1) Embryonated eggs passed in feces.
2) Eggs ingested by the snail
feces. 2) Eggs ingested ... water fish are ingested ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Cryptosporidiosis - Cryptosporidium Life Cycle
1) Thick-walled oocyst (sporulated) exits host
2) Contamination of water and food with
Thick-walled oocyst ingested ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Cysticercosis - Taenia solium Life Cycle
1) Eggs or gravid proglottids in feces and passed into environment.
gravid proglottids ingested ... Embryonated eggs ingested ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Echinostomiasis - Echinostoma Life Cycle
1) Unembroynated eggs passed in feces
2) Embryonated eggs in water
3) Miracidia hatch
intermediate host ingested ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Leishmaniasis Life Cycle
1) Sandfly takes a blood meal (injects promastigote stage into the skin)
Human Stages:
2) Promastigotes
a blood meal (ingests ... macrophages infected ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Enterobiasis - Enterobius vermicularis Life Cycle
1) Eggs on perianal folds
→ Larvae inside the eggs mature within
Embryonated eggs ingested ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Babesiosis - Babesia Life Cycle
1) Tick takes a blood meal (sporozoites introduced into host)
2) Trophozie ←→
a blood meal (ingests ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Angiostrongyliasis - Angiostrongylus costaricensis Life Cycle
1) Eggs hatch in the ileum, and first-stage larvae are passed
definitive host are ingested ... Third-stage larvae are ingested ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite
Filariasis - Life Cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti
1) Mosquito takes a blood meal
2) Adults in lymphatics
3) Adults
a blood meal (ingests ... infectiousdiseases #cdc #parasite