815 results
Caustic Injury to the Esophagus after Disinfectant Ingestion

This is what the esophagus looks like when you
like when you ingest ... Disinfectants #Clinical #Photo
Diphyllobothriasis - Diphyllobothrium Life Cycle
1) Unembryonated eggs passed in feces
2) Eggs embryonate in water
3) Coracidia hatch
from eggs and are ingested ... crustaceans 5) Infected ... crustacean ingested ... fish 7) Human ingests ... or undercooked, infected
Janeway Lesion: Flat, painless, erythematous lesions seen on the palm of this patient's hand. While
frequently associated
the result of an infected ... Photo credit, Josh ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Syphilitic gummas in Tertiary syphilis
Tertiary syphilitic gummas may mimic basal cell carcinoma. The gummatous tumors are
treatment, an infected ... syphilis #clinical #photo
Inverted P Waves:
(A) Ectopic atrial rhythm
(B) Junctional rhythm 

#Inverted #PWaves #cardiology #diagnosis #ekg #ecg #electrocardiogram #differential
Inverted P Waves ... Junctional rhythm #Inverted
Leishmaniasis Life Cycle
1) Sandfly takes a blood meal (injects promastigote stage into the skin)
Human Stages:
2) Promastigotes
a blood meal (ingests ... macrophages infected
Interstitial keratitis in Tertiary Syphilis

Interstitial keratitis, which is an inflammation of the cornea’s connective tissue elements,
treatment, an infected ... syphilis #clinical #photo
Inverted Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy after high-voltage electrocution on Echocardiogram

Ivan Stankovic, MD, PhD @Ivan_Echocardio

#Inverted #Takotsubo #Cardiomyopathy #electrocution #Echocardiogram
Inverted Takotsubo ... Ivan_Echocardio #Inverted
Radiographic appearances of pulmonary disease in HIV-infected patients

By Dr. Sara Dong @swinndong via #IDFellowCase

#ID  #Infectious
disease in HIV-infected
Osler's Nodes: Painful, erythematous nodules associated with bacterial endocarditis. 
Photo credit, Josh Fierer, M.D.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D.
Photo credit, Josh ... Images #Clinical #Photo