48 results
Respiratory Variation of the Jugular Vein on POCUS Examination

And ask the patient to relax and
#JugularVein #InternalJugular ... POCUS #Clinical #Longitudinal ... JVP #LongAxis #Longitudinal
Central line placement: verifying wire placement on POCUS
Prior to dilation of a central vein. Confirm wire
#CentralLine #internaljugular
Ultrasound of the Week - Achilles tendon rupture, complete

#Clinical #POCUS #Longitudinal #Achilles #Tendon #Ruptured #Complete #Tear
Clinical #POCUS #Longitudinal
Right Ventricular Structure and Function

- Almost 75 % of the RV systolic function is dependent in
is dependent in longitudinal ... the RV and RA longitudinal ... endocardial is mainly longitudinal
Focused Abdominal Aorta Ultrasound - Transducer positions for aortic scan. Proximal (A), Mid-aorta (B), Distal (C),
Distal (C), and Longitudinal
Wall-eyed bilateral inter nuclear ophthalmoplegia (WEBINO) Syndrome

In this specific case, the lesion is bilaterally in the
in the medial longitudinal
This is what the intimal flap of an Aortic Dissection looks like on Ultrasound. Be able
Aorta #Aortic #Longitudinal
Localizing Extraocular Movement Disorders
 • CN Ill (Oculomotor) Nerve Palsy 
 • CN IV (Trochlear) Nerve
palsy • Medial Longitudinal
Extension teardrop fracture - Small triangular avulsion of anteroinferior vertebral body, at insertion point of anterior
point of anterior longitudinal
Spinal Cord Anatomy - Arterial Blood Supply

Arteries of the spinal cord arise from the vertebral and
are three main longitudinal