1412 results
Intra-arrest POCUS

Dr. Cian McDermott @cianmcdermott

#Intraarrest #POCUS #ACLS #Echocardiogram #CPR #clinical #ultrasound
cianmcdermott #Intraarrest ... CPR #clinical #ultrasound
Intra-arrest POCUS during ACLS

Dr. Kylie Baker @kyliebaker888

#Intraarrest #POCUS #ACLS #Echocardiogram #CPR #clinical #ultrasound #s4c #compressions
kyliebaker888 #Intraarrest ... CPR #clinical #ultrasound
Pericardial Effusion seen during CPR on POCUS Echocardiogram

This patient was given an anesthetic and became unresponsive
Echocardiogram #clinical #ultrasound ... #ACLS #Intraarrest
LVOT Obstruction noted during CPR on TEE (iatrogenic LVOT obstruction)

- Dr. Tom Jelic

#LVOT #Obstruction #CPR #ACLS
TransEsophageal #Intraarrest
ABCs of Lung Ultrasound - POCUS

Pitt Internal Medicine Point of Care Ultrasound @PittIMPOCUS

.mp4 Hi-Res Version Here:
ABCs of Lung Ultrasound ... Point of Care Ultrasound ... 11923/profiles-ultrasound-differential-pocus-lung
Gastric Ultrasound - POCUS Cheats

#Gastric #Ultrasound #POCUS #Cheats #Guide #Diagnosis
Gastric Ultrasound ... Cheats #Gastric #Ultrasound
Gastric Ultrasound Assessment 
#Diagnosis #POCUS #Gastric #Ultrasound #Orientation #Anatomy #Pulmcrit
Gastric Ultrasound ... POCUS #Gastric #Ultrasound
Airway Ultrasound - POCUS Cheats

#Airway #Ultrasound #POCUS #Cheats #Guide #Diagnosis #Windows #Views
Airway Ultrasound ... Cheats #Airway #Ultrasound
RUSH Protocol: Rapid Ultrasound for Shock and Hypotension

Infographic by Dr. Jonny Wilkinson @Wilkinsonjonny 

#RUSH #Protocol #Rapid
Protocol: Rapid Ultrasound ... Protocol #Rapid #Ultrasound
Point of Care Ultrasound Fluid Resuscitation Guide (using IVC and lung ultrasound)

Source Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26475100

#IVFluid #Resuscitation #Algorithm
Point of Care Ultrasound ... using IVC and lung ultrasound ... Protocol #POCUS #Ultrasound