2156 results
Consensus Indications for Irradiated RBC Transfusions:

Cellular blood components are irradiated for the prevention of TA-GVHD. Transfused
Indications for Irradiated ... components are irradiated ... HermelinDaniela #Irradiated
Paradoxical Respirations in Diaphragmatic Paralysis

Note the paradoxical movement of the abdomen during inspiration. The accessory inspiratory
causes the flaccid diaphragm ... Respirations #Breathing #Diaphragm ... #Clinical #Video
Hoover's sign on Physical Exam
Paradoxical retraction of the lower intercostal spaces on inspiration
Pulmonary hyperinflation → flattening
flattening of the diaphragm ... the flattened diaphragm ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video
Diaphragm Anatomy - Innervation, Neurovasculature and Openings

By @rev.med

#Diaphragm #Anatomy #Innervation #Neurovasculature #Openings
Diaphragm Anatomy ... By @rev.med #Diaphragm
Hoover's Sign

Hoover’s sign refers to inward movement of the lower rib cage during inspiration- instead of
but functioning, diaphragm ... resulting flattened diaphragm ... #PhysicalExam #Video
Paradoxical Breathing on Physical Exam

Paradoxical breathing is often a sign of breathing problems. It causes the
flail chest and diaphragm ... respiratory #clinical #video
Spine sign: visualization of the vertebral bodies in the thoracic cavity above the diaphragm indicative of
cavity above the diaphragm ... cut off at the diaphragm
Antibiotics for Anaerobic Bacteria 
 - Metronidazole (Flagyl™) 
 - Carbapenems 
 - β lactam +
for above the diaphragm ... for below the diaphragm
The neurological and chemotactic control of respiration rate
#breathing #respiration #pneumatic center #CN X # diaphragm #lungs
center #CN X # diaphragm
Algorithm and Causes of an Elevated Hemidiaphragm #Diagnosis #Radiology #EM #IM #PCC #Elevated #Hemidiaphragm #ElevatedHemidiaphragm #Diaphragm
ElevatedHemidiaphragm #Diaphragm