186 results
Jaw Jerk Reflex - Mandibular Clonus

Seen in this patient with ALS

#Jaw #Jerk #JawJerk #Reflex #Mandibular #Clonus
#Jaw #Jerk #JawJerk ... Mandibular #Clonus #chin
Jaw-Jerk Reflex Clonus in ALS

- Neurology Pro - A DDx Tool @ProDdx

#JawJerk #Jaw #Jerk #Reflex #Clonus
Tool @ProDdx #JawJerk ... #PhysicalExam #Chin
Echocardiographic criteria of LV Non-compaction
Chin Criteria (1990):
 • Absence of any other coexisting cardiac structural abnormality
Non-compaction Chin ... noncompacted layer to thin ... criteria #Jenni #Chin
Abnormal Heel to Shin Test on Physical Exam

Indicative of cerebellar dysfunction

#Heel #Shin #Test #PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Abnormal Heel to Shin ... dysfunction #Heel #Shin
Abnormal Heel to Shin Test on Physical Exam

Indicative of cerebellar dysfunction

#Heel #Shin #Test #PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Abnormal Heel to Shin ... dysfunction #Heel #Shin
Dr. Chiu's Ambulatory Medicine Cheat Sheet (Rev Aug 2019) 

- Dr. Chris Chiu @cjchiu

#PrimaryCare #CheatSheet #Screening
Chris Chiu @cjchiu
Infant in the "Sniffing" Position
1) Glabella —Chin Plane
3) Extemal Auditory Meatus
1) Glabella —Chin
Topical Steroids Cheat Sheet

Dr. Steven Chen https://twitter.com/DrStevenTChen

#Topical #Steroids #CheatSheet #Dermatology #Tips #Management #Classes
Steven Chen https
Suggested algorithm for bone marrow biopsy and skeletal imaging in patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
normal free light-chain ... serum-free light-chain ... ratio <8) light-chain
Tweetorial - Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS)

By Dr. Steven Chen @DrStevenTChen

#StevensJohnsonSyndrome #SJS #Dermatology #Diagnosis #Tweetorial #Pathphysiology
Steven Chen @DrStevenTChen