693 results
Stage II - Interstitial edema
Stage II of CHF is characterized by fluid leakage into the interlobular
it is seen as Kerley ... Kerley-B lines are ... Radiology #CXR #CHF #KerleyB ... #Kerley #BLines
Here another chest x-ray with interstitial edema and Kerley B lines in a patient with congestive
interstitial edema and Kerley ... #CXR #CTChest #KerleyB ... #Kerley #BLines
CERTA Analgesic Classes and Pain Indications

Dr. David H.Cisewski and Dr. Sergey M.Motov

#CERTA #Analgesic #Classes #Pain #Indications
Sergey M.Motov
Lyme Disease with Erythema Migrans, Bell's Palsy
A 17-year-old boy from New Jersey presents with a 3-day
year-old boy from New Jersey
Diffuse consolidation
The most common cause of diffuse consolidation is pulmonary edema due to heart failure.
This is
pulmonary blood flow, Kerley
ED Opioid Stewardship Algorithm

Opioid Naive vs Opioid Tolerant

1. Patient Specific, Pain Syndrome-Targeted Approach
2. Combinations of Non-Pharmacologic
Sergey Motov @painfreeED
Flexor Digitorum Profundus Test

Isolate the distal interphalangeal joint over the edge of the table and observe
also known as Jersey ... Profundus #Test #Jersey
Epley Maneuver for BPPV Canalith Repositioning

#Management #BPPV #Epley #Maneuver #Repositioning #Canalith #Vertigo
Epley Maneuver for ... Management #BPPV #Epley
CERTA Opioid Alternatives

Opioid Alternatives for Abdominal Pain (traumatic, non-traumatic), Back Pain, Burns, Renal Colic, Dental Pain,
Sergey Motov (@painfreeED
Stroke Blood Vessel Localization and corresponding territories on MRI

by Jeremy Heit, MD, PhD @JeremyHeitMDPHD

#Stroke #CVA #Localization
territories on MRI by Jeremy