1924 results
Flexor Digitorum Profundus Test

Isolate the distal interphalangeal joint over the edge of the table and observe
also known as Jersey ... Profundus #Test #Jersey ... #Finger #Hand #PhysicalExam
Palatal Myoclonus on Physical Exam

Rhythmic jerky movements of the soft palate are seen, most often caused
Exam Rhythmic jerky ... Palatal #Myoclonus #PhysicalExam
Sydenham Chorea (St. Vitus Dance) on Physical Exam

Jerky, uncontrollable and #purposeless movements of the hands, arms,
Physical Exam Jerky ... StVitus #Dance #PhysicalExam
Convergence-Retraction Nystagmus on Physical Exam

Convergence-retraction nystagmus: irregular, jerky nystagmus, associated with convergence and retraction of both
nystagmus: irregular, jerky ... Retraction #Nystagmus #PhysicalExam
Stroke Blood Vessel Localization and corresponding territories on MRI

by Jeremy Heit, MD, PhD @JeremyHeitMDPHD

#Stroke #CVA #Localization
territories on MRI by Jeremy
Lyme Disease with Erythema Migrans, Bell's Palsy
A 17-year-old boy from New Jersey presents with a 3-day
year-old boy from New Jersey
Antibiotic Considerations for the Medical Resident - Reference Cheatsheet

Dr. Jesse Burk-Rafel @jbrafel

#Antibiotics #Management #Cheatsheet #Pharmacology #Guide
Jesse Burk-Rafel
CERTA Analgesic Classes and Pain Indications

Dr. David H.Cisewski and Dr. Sergey M.Motov

#CERTA #Analgesic #Classes #Pain #Indications
Sergey M.Motov
ED Opioid Stewardship Algorithm

Opioid Naive vs Opioid Tolerant

1. Patient Specific, Pain Syndrome-Targeted Approach
2. Combinations of Non-Pharmacologic
Sergey Motov @painfreeED
Jugular Venous Distension on PhysicalExam

#JVP #Distension #Elevated #PhysicalExam #Clinical #Cardiology #Neck #Video #Jugular
Distension on PhysicalExam ... Distension #Elevated #PhysicalExam