20 results
Infections in Patients on TNF-alpha Inhibitors - Differential Diagnosis
 • Viral: VZV, Hep B, Hep C,
, Aspergillus, Crypto
Left Ventricular Diverticulum on Ventriculogram

Dr. Tony Main @TonyMain6

#Ventricular #Diverticulum #Ventriculogram #clinical #cardiology #fluoroscopy #cathlab #angiography #crypt
#angiography #crypt
Differential Diagnosis for Generalized Lymphadenopathy

• HIV 
• EBV 
• CMV 
• HBV 
• Dengue 
• Rubella
• Coccidio • Crypto
Intratarsal Keratinous Cyst (IKC) of the Meibomian Gland - Eyelid Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#IKC #Intratarsal
Intratarsal Keratinous ... #Intratarsal #Keratinous
ID Ddx: Diarrhea in a transplant recipient
- Bacterial: C.diff, Campy, Salmonella, Aeromonas, E.coli
- Viral: CMV, noro,
Parasitic: Giardia, Crypto
Blurry vision in a patient with HIV/AIDS
Anterior Segment:
 • Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
 • Keratitis (HSV, Staph,
Choroidal infections (crypto
Effect of Selected Diseases on Complement Levels - C3, C4
 • SLE C3 ↓ C4 ↓↓
C3 ↓ C4 ↓↓ • Cryo
Approach to Undifferentiated Shock - OnePager Summary
Shock occurs when there is inadequate blood flow (CO) &
include hypotension (cryptic
Massive Hemoptysis - Diagnosis and Management
 • Definitions: 
   - Hemoptysis = bleeding from
Ablation, Cautery, Cryo
Shock Classification
Shock Definition: State of cellular and tissue hypoxia due to: reduced oxygen delivery, increased oxygen
Compensated shock, cryptic