44 results
Actinic Keratosis

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical Images

#Clinical #Dermatology #SkinRash #ActinicKeratosis #AK #Photo #UCSDH
Actinic Keratosis ... ActinicKeratosis #AK
Seborrheic keratosis 
 - Well-circumscribed, stuck-on appearance 
 - Waxy texture 
 - Verrucous surface
Seborrheic keratosis ... #Seborrheic #Keratosis ... Dermatology #Diagnosis #Benign
Seborrheic keratoses vary widely in appearance - one of the most common benign skin lesions that
the most common benign ... #Seborrheic #Keratosis
Left #Blepharospasm on physical exam

Blepharospasm (also called benign essential blepharospasm) is blinking or other eyelid movements,
Blepharospasm (also called benign ... physicalExam #clinical #video
Atrial myxoma was surgically removed from the heart

An #atrial #myxoma is a noncancerous tumor in the
A myxoma is a benign ... intraoperative #clinical #video
A Pediculus humanus (louse) nymph. 
Specimen was alive and in the video you can actually see
alive and in the video ... the blood meal being
Winged Scapula on Physical Exam

Common things being common just standard scapular winging, but this is more
Common things being ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Parkinsonian Gait 

Parkinson's gait is very characteristic: Standing, the patient tends to tilt the trunk forward,
trunk forward, being ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Sister Mary Joseph Nodule on Physical Exam

Unfortunately, not all bulges are hernias. This umbilical bulge ended
bulge ended up being ... SisterMaryJoseph #clinical #video
Choreiform Gait Demonstration

Associated with various pathologies of the nervous system, the most common being Sydenham's Chorea
the most common being ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video