12 results
Knuckle Sign on ECG - Acute Pericarditis

Electrocardiogram of a 68-year-old woman two days after coronary artery
Knuckle Sign on ... PR elevation (‘knuckle ... sign) in aVR #Knuckle
Duodenal knuckle perforation from prolonged ERCP

Andy Tau, MD @DrBloodandGuts

#Duodenal #knuckle #perforation #endoscopy #clinical #egd #gastroenterology
Duodenal knuckle ... #Duodenal #knuckle
MCP Cavitation on MRI - Knuckle Cracking
Real-time cine magnetic resonance imaging of the human metacarpalphalangeal joint
Cavitation on MRI - Knuckle ... Cavitation #MRI #Knuckle
Contact Dermatitis: Inflammatory response to topical irritant. Note the linear distribution 
across the knuckles, caused by
distribution across the knuckles ... Contact #Dermatitis #Knuckles
Gottron's Papules in Dermatomyositis

Another classic clue is Gottron's papules which are small grouped flat topped papules
#Photo #Hands #Knuckles
Torus / Buckle Distal Radius Fracture

Dr. Devpriyo Pal @drdevrad

#Torus #Buckle #Radius #Fracture #clinical #radiology #wrist #pediatrics
Torus / Buckle Distal ... drdevrad #Torus #Buckle
This is a Buckle fracture. Elevation in straight hyperechoic cortex of long bone. Distal smooth edged
This is a Buckle ... ultrasoundREL #Buckle
Cutaneous signs of Addison's disease may be a useful clue. Hyperpigmentation especially involves sun-exposed areas and
palmar creases, knuckles
Plantar Reflex (Babinski) Equivalents
Plantar toe reflex - Babinski - Move an object along the lateral aspect
Oppenheim - Press your knuckles
Bulimia Nervosa: Signs and Symptoms
Associated Psychological / Behavioural Features
 • Feelings of shame, guilt and embarrassment
scars, calluses on knuckles