28 results
Validation of the Step-By-Step Approach to Febrile Infants

#Diagnosis #Management #Pediatrics #Peds #Febrile #Infant #StepByStep #Algorithm #LP
Febrile #Infant #StepByStep ... #Algorithm #LP
“Step by Step” – the new kid on the block – aims to risk stratify this
Febrile #Infant #StepByStep ... #Algorithm #LP
The Febrile Infant Step-by-Step Algorithm
This is an algorithm developed by European emergency physicians to identify low-risk
Febrile #Infant #StepByStep ... #Algorithm #LP
Step by Step Algorithmic Approach to Pediatric Fever

Age < 21 days old (or 28 days for
Diagnosis #Management #StepByStep
Validation of the “Step-by-Step” Approach in the Management of Young Febrile Infants
Visual Abstract by Dr. Kirsty
VisualAbstract #StepByStep
Lumbar Puncture Bleeding Risk

Discontinuing medications before lumbar puncture
 • Antiplatelets
 • Anticoagulants

#LP #Lumbar #Puncture #Bleeding #Risk
Anticoagulants #LP
Indications for Head CT before LP
 - Signs of Increased ICP (i.e. papilledema) 
 - History
Head CT before LP ... HeadCT #before #LP
Syphilis serologies notes
#ID  #InfectiousDiseases  #Infections
#Microbiology #Micro
#syphilis #RPR #treponemal #serologies #nontreponemal #VDRL #titers #CSF #LP
#titers #CSF #LP
Excellent overview of the emergency department approach to atraumatic sudden onset headaches- including proposed algorithm and
considerations for omitting LP
Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO) - Further Workup

 • CNS symptoms? Get an LP and imaging
Get an LP and imaging