97 results
Luftsichel Sign in Left Upper Lobe Collapse - Chest X-Ray

An upper lobe collapse causes the collapse
Sometimes the LLL ... the collapsed LUL ... the air in the LLL ... Luftsichel #Sign #LUL
Normal Hilar Anatomy on Chest X-Ray
The hilum is 95% vessels and while it is not important
main bronchus LUL ... lobe bronchus LLL ... lobe bronchus RUL
Silhouette Sign on Chest X-Ray
Loss of the margin between two opposing structures of the same radiographic
localization by lobe • RUL ... hemidiaphragm • LUL ... heart border • LLL
Left Upper Lobe Collapse on Chest XRay

Landsberg Manual @LandsbergManual - https://amzn.to/3rEtbK8

#LUL #Left #Upper #Lobe #lobar #Collapse
amzn.to/3rEtbK8 #LUL
The CT-images demonstrate the atelectasis of the left upper lobe (blue arrow).
There is a centrally located
Radiology #CTChest #LUL
On the PET-CT there is both a tumor in the left lung, aswell as in the
Radiology #CXR #PETCT #LUL
The CT-image is not very helpful in the differentiation.
There are hypodense areas, which could be masses.
Lymphoma #Perihilar #LUL
Left upper lobe atelectasis
What are the findings?
 - Minimal volume loss with elevation of the left
#CXR #Lateral #LUL
There is an atelectasis of the left upper lobe.
You would not expect the apical region to
#CXR #Lateral #LUL
The findings are:
 - Large density on the left with loss of cardiac silhouette.
 - High
#CXR #Lateral #LUL