55 results
Algorithm for Echo determination of LV filling pressures 

#LVFilling #pressures #Algorithm #Echo #POCUS #diagnosis #cardiology
determination of LV filling ... pressures #LVFilling
Cardiac Cycle - Pathophysiology
 - Atrial Contraction
 - Isovolumetric Contraction
 - Rapid Ventricular Ejection
 - Slow
Passive Ventricular Filling ... Passive Ventricular Filling
Diastolic Function Grading - Schematic diastolic filling patterns

I: impaired relaxation, II: moderate diastolic dysfunction (pseudonormal), III:
Schematic diastolic filling ... left ventricular filling
Estimating Left Ventricular Filling Pressure by Echocardiography

#Diagnosis #Cardiology #Echocardiogram #POCUS #Diastolic #Dysfunction #Diastology #Diastasis #EWave #AWave
Left Ventricular Filling
Causes of acute heart failure
 - Acute pressure overload (increased afterload, mechanical flow obstruction) 
overload - Acute filling
Ventilator Troubleshooting Summary
High PIP, nl Pplat:
 - DDx: Tubing problem, Bronchospasm, Secretions
 - Next Steps: Check
PTX, Alveolar filling ... PTX, Alveolar filling
Capillary filling time is measured by applying firm pressure on the ventral surface of the distal
Capillary filling ... study #Capillary #filling
Diastolic Dysfunction Grading - Echocardiography
Grade 0  (Normal):
 • E/A >0.8, e’ > 8 cm/s, E/e’
LA during Early Filling ... LA during Early Filling
Hepatic Vein Waveform

a wave - atrial contraction (end diastole)
S - ventricular systole
v - increasing RA pressure
early diastolic RV filling
RA/CVP Waveform Interpretation

Central venous pressure (CVP) or right atrial pressure (RAP) waveform tracings can often times
v’ wave (rapid filling ... descent (rapid RV filling ... tamponade (↓ RV filling