3330 results
"Liver palms"
Palmar erythema 

#clinical #diagnosis #PhysicalExam 
#hands #liver #hepatology #cirrosis
"Liver palms" Palmar ... clinical #diagnosis #PhysicalExam ... #hands #liver
Cirrhosis leading to Chronic Liver Failure - Clinical Signs and Symptoms

#Cirrhosis #LiverFailure #Signs #Symptoms #PhysicalExam #Findings
leading to Chronic Liver ... Signs #Symptoms #PhysicalExam
Flapping tremors of Asterixis

- Decompensated cirrhosis or acute liver failure.
- Renal failure /azotemia.
- Respiratory failure with
cirrhosis or acute liver ... hyperammonemia #PhysicalExam
Hepatojugular Reflux (Abdominojugular Test) on Physical Exam

Firm pressure over the liver elicits distension of the jugular
pressure over the liver ... Abdominojugular #PhysicalExam
Hepatojugular Reflux (Abdominojugular Test) on Physical Exam

Firm pressure over the liver elicits distension of the jugular
pressure over the liver ... Abdominojugular #PhysicalExam
Terry's Nails

Proximal paleness extending halfway up the nail, often eliminating the lunula. Darker distal band. Seen
advanced age, liver ... #Fingernails #PhysicalExam
Asterixis is a type of negative myoclonus characterized by irregular lapses of posture of various body
associated with liver ... hyperammonemia #PhysicalExam
Clinical Examination for Liver and Biliary Diseases
1) Hands: Clubbing, Dupuytren's contracture, Leuconychia, Bruising, Flapping tremor (hepatic
Examination for Liver ... Edema #biliary #physicalexam ... #cirrhosis #liver
Asterixis on Physical Exam

Asterixis, aka liver flap, indicates at least Grade 2 hepatic encephalopathy in a
Asterixis, aka liver ... drkeithsiau #Asterixis #PhysicalExam
Pitting Edema on Physical Exam

Edema occurs when fluid that accumulates in tissues leads to swelling. When
protein levels, liver ... Pitting #Edema #PhysicalExam