2887 results
The PA-film shows a silhouette sign of the left heart border.
Even without looking at the lateral
pathology must be located ... #Clinical #Radiology
On the left another typical case of sarcoidosis.
In addition to the perilymphatic nodules, there are multiple
predominantly located ... #Clinical #Radiology
Normal IUP Findings 1) Yolk sac: Round fluid-filled structure within the gestational sac, located in the
gestational sac, located ... pole: Small mass located ... Clinical #EM #Obgyn #Radiology
Pleural effusion visualized as an anechoic fluid collection located cephalad to the arrows. #Clinical #EM #Radiology
fluid collection located ... #Clinical #EM #Radiology
A lobar consolidation located cephalad to the diaphragm. The branching, hyperechoic air bronchograms define this consolidation.
consolidation located ... #Clinical #EM #Radiology
Here another patient with widespread pulmonary metastases of a cancer, that was located in the tongue.
cancer, that was located ... #Clinical #Radiology
Bone Tumor Location within the Skeleton

Only a few lesions are located in the epiphysis, so
few lesions are located ... Diaphysis #Epiphysis #Radiology
Here we see a consolidation which is located in the left lower lobe.
There is a normal
consolidation which is located ... #Clinical #Radiology
Left lower lobe atelectasis - There is a triangular density seen through the cardiac shadow.
This must
an abnormality located ... opposite #Clinical #Radiology
Congenital absence of the pericardium: 
- CXR: leftward shift of the cardiac silhouette, Snoopy sign, no
the heart, apex located ... pericardium #clinical #cardiology ... chestxray #cxr #radiology