772 results
#Clinical #Radiology #CXR #CTChest #Longstanding #Sarcoidosis #Fibrosis #Conglomerate #Nodules #RadiologyAssistant
Radiology #CXR #CTChest ... #Longstanding #
On the left a patient who is treated with cytotoxic drugs for a hematologic malignancy.
The radiographic
pneumonitis and longstanding ... Clinical #Radiology #CTChest
Campbell’s sign or Tracheal Descent in Longstanding COPD

Patients with longstanding COPD may show downward displacement of
Tracheal Descent in Longstanding ... Patients with longstanding
COVID-19 Patient Chest CT

Dr. Filippo Cademartiri @fcademartiri

#COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #CTChest #Clinical #CriticalCare #GroundGlass #CoronaVirus #CXR #ChestXRay
COVID-19 Patient Chest ... COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #CTChest
COVID-19 Patient Chest CT - Ground Glass Opacities 

dr. kevoooo @kevo00o

#COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #CTChest #Clinical #CriticalCare #GroundGlass
COVID-19 Patient Chest ... COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #CTChest
Lung Segment Anatomy Annotated on Chest CT
Right Lung:
 • Upper Lobe: Apical, Posterior, Anterior
 • Middle
Anatomy Annotated on Chest ... lobes #Segments #Chest ... #CT #CTChest #pulmonary
Wernicke's Encephalopathy vs Korsakoff Syndrome - Thiamine Deficiency

Wernicke's encephalopathy is a neurological condition due to longstanding
condition due to longstanding
Diabetic Myonecrosis (Diabetic Muscle Infarction)
 • Spontaneous ischemic necrosis of skeletal muscle (anterior thigh or calf)
complication of longstanding
On the left we see a chest film with a typical finger-in-glove shadow.
The HRCT shows focal
left we see a chest ... Radiology #CXR #CTChest
COVID-19 Patterns of Lung Findings on Chest CT
1. Reverse Halo Sign
3. Crazy-Paving Pattern
4. Bilateral Peripheral
Lung Findings on Chest ... ChestCT #radiology #CTChest