693 results
Visual Abstract Comparison of #MYRE Vs #EULITE trials. 

MYRE: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2665000
EULITE: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanhae/article/PIIS2352-3026(19)30014-6/fulltext

#MM #MultipleMyeloma #PLEX #VisualAbstract #Nephrology #EBM
Comparison of #MYRE ... MYRE: https://jamanetwork.com
Systemic non-caseating granulomatous disease. 
Patients classically have mediastinal hilar lymphadenopathy. 
CXR is abnormal in 90%
abnormal in 90% More ... More common in women
Main Lung Ultrasound differences between COVID-19 involvement and other conditions that may yield respiratory symptoms
Separated and more ... consolidations in more ... the context of more
The more we learn the heart the more we improve our “temporal resolution” at understanding a
The more we learn ... the heart the more
Anticoagulation Review. There are other bleeding risk assessment tools, but HAS-BLED is more commonly used. HTN
but HAS-BLED is more ... use of having more
Know the waves!  Capnography is useful for more than just tube placement confirmation.

#Diagnosis #PCC #Capnography
is useful for more
Myotomes of the Spinal Cord
Each segmental nerve root innervates more than one muscle. For simplicity, certain
root innervates more ... cauda equina is more
NSAIDs and GI versus CV risk

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#pharmacology #comparison #cardiology #gi #nsaids #pain #medications #management
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Asthma algorithm based on GINA guidelines

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#management #algorithm #primarycare #respirology #asthma #treatment #decisionaid
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Flowchart guide to interpreting thyroid function tests. Visit gramproject.com for more medical diagrams, tables and flowcharts
gramproject.com for more