1980 results
Marcus Gunn Phenomenon - Jaw Winking Syndrome

Jaw-winking syndrome is thought to be caused by abnormal innervation
Marcus Gunn Phenomenon ... #Marcus #Gunn #Phenomenon ... video #neurology #physicalexam
Marcus-Gunn Pupil - Pupillary dilation in response to light on the left eye and a preserved
Marcus-Gunn Pupil ... #MarcusGunn #Marcus ... tuberous #sclerosis #physicalexam
Marcus Gunn Phenomenon - Jaw Winking Syndrome

Jaw-winking ptosis is thought to be caused by abnormal innervation
Marcus Gunn Phenomenon ... #Marcus #Gunn #Phenomenon ... video #neurology #physicalexam
Marcus Gunn Phenomenon - Jaw Winking Syndrome

Jaw-winking ptosis is thought to be caused by abnormal innervation
Marcus Gunn Phenomenon ... #Marcus #Gunn #Phenomenon ... video #neurology #physicalexam
Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect

This maneuver of intermittent light stimulus is called the alternating light test or
stimulus, is called Marcus ... Pupils #MacrusGunn #PhysicalExam
Asterixis due to Uremia on Physical Exam

29 year old male came in due to decreasing sensorium
and sCr 21.7 Marc ... Asterixis #Uremia #PhysicalExam
Kussmaul's sign in Constrictive Pericarditis 

A 50-year-old woman with a remote history of mediastinal lymphoma (age
circular blue marks ... Kussmauls #Sign #PhysicalExam
Intraoperative Thompson Test - Assessing the Achilles’ tendon following a surgical repair for rupture. The calf
gastrocnemius muscle marks ... Intraoperative #physicalexam
Marcus-Gunn Jaw Winking Ptosis

Marcus Gunn Jaw Winking Ptosis is the most common form of congenital neurogenic
Marcus-Gunn Jaw ... Winking Ptosis Marcus ... #Marcus #Gunn #Jaw
Marcus Gunn Pupil - Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect (RAPD)
Definition: Afferent loop of the pupillary light reflex
Marcus Gunn Pupil ... flashlight test Robert Marcus ... @neudrawlogy #Marcus