5 results
Primary mass casualty incident triage:
The Amberg-Schwandorf Algorithm for Primary Triage (ASAV) [4]. I = red category, II = yellow category,
Management #Triage #MassCasualty
The SALT Mass Casualty Triage Approach
 - SALT stands for “Sort, Assess, Lifesaving interventions, and Treatment
#SALT #Triage #MassCasualty
START is a rapid triage system for prioritizing disaster victims
Briefly, it is based around:
- Is the
Disaster #START #MassCasualty
Mass Casualty Incident Triage Algorithm

Black Tag - No further treatment
Red Tag - Treat these patients first
#Management #MassCasualty
Figure 2
Modified Physiological Triage Tool (MPTT)-24 algorithm with increased respiratory rate upper threshold (≥24), conscious level
MajorIncident #MassCasualty