2061 results
Asymmetric chest expansion due to massive left atelectasis.

45 y/o men, prolonged ICU hospitalization post NeuroQx (AVM
expansion due to massive ... Video #Pulmonary #PhysicalExam
Kussmaul's Sign on Neck Physical Examination

Elderly woman with a history of myocardial revascularization surgery is hospitalized
cardiomyopathy, massive ... Kussmauls #Sign #PhysicalExam
Kussmaul's Sign - Differential Diagnosis

Typically the JVP decreases with inspiration as the negative intrathoracic pressure "sucks
predominant infarction, massive ... Kussmauls #Sign #physicalexam
D-Sign in a lady with Massive PE - The LV should always be round like a
in a lady with Massive ... #PSAX #DSign #MassivePE
Brudzinski's sign is a physically demonstrable symptom of meningitis. It is characterized by reflexive flexion of
hips following passive ... neurology #meningitis #physicalexam
Underlying causes of PEA arrest: H’s and T’s 

Hypovolemia, Hypoxia, Hydrogen Ion (acidosis), Hypo/Hyper-kalemia, Hypothermia
Toxins, Tamponade,
(heart: acute, massive ... Thrombosis (lungs: massive
Kernig's Sign in Meningitis

Resistance or pain elicited by passive extension of the knees, thought to be
pain elicited by passive ... clinical #video #physicalexam
Calcium Supplementation During Massive Transfusion 
- Mike O'Brien

#Pathophy #Management #Hypocalcemia #Calcium #Supplementation #MassiveTransfusion #Protocol
Supplementation During Massive
Massive Basal Cell Carcinoma Arising from the Scalp

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical Images

Massive Basal Cell ... BasalCell #Carcinoma #Massive
Massive Hemoptysis - Diagnosis and Management
 • Definitions: 
   - Hemoptysis = bleeding from
Massive Hemoptysis ... hemoptysis) - Massive ... EMT-P @MRamzyDO #Massive