50 results
Obesity and IBD - IBD Algorithm

Dr. Wade Billings @wabillin

#Obesity #IBDAlgorithm #IBD #Algorithm #gastroenterology #management
wabillin #Obesity #IBDAlgorithm ... IBD #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Pregnancy and IBD - IBD Algorithm

Dr. Wade Billings @wabillin

#Pregnancy #Safety #IBDAlgorithm #IBD #Algorithm #gastroenterology #management #obstetrics
Pregnancy #Safety #IBDAlgorithm ... IBD #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) and IBD - IBD Algorithm

Dr. Wade Billings @wabillin

#PSC #IBD #Algorithm #IBDAlgorithm #gastroenterology
IBD #Algorithm #IBDAlgorithm ... #gastroenterology
Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia (GIM)
 • GIM is a precancerous, histopathologic change characterized by replacement of normal
Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia ... Gastric #Intestinal #Metaplasia ... diagnosis #management #gastroenterology
Prague Criteria - For Endoscopically Suspected Esophageal Columnar Metaplasia/Barrett's Esophagus
1) Ensure Hiatus Hernia Is Recognised By
Esophageal Columnar Metaplasia ... Suspected Columnar Metaplasia ... Suspected Columnar Metaplasia ... endoscopy #EGD #gastroenterology
Dermatologic Extraintestinal Manifestations in IBD - IBD Algorithm

Erythema Nodosum
Pyoderma Gangrenosum
Metastatic Crohn's Disease
Sweet Syndrome

Dr. Wade Billings @wabillin

Manifestations #EIM #IBDAlgorithm ... IBD #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Perianal Crohn's Disease - IBD Algorithm

 • 5-40% w perianal fistula
 • ↑ risk if colonic
Crohns #Disease #IBDAlgorithm ... IBD #Algorithm #gastroenterology
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) in Pregnancy
 - Pathophysiology
 - Pharmacotherapy
 - Nonpharmacological Treatment

Emory Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Treatment Emory Gastroenterology ... and Hepatology ... Pregnancy #diagnosis #gastroenterology
Summary table of comparison of the difference between primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis
#differential #hepatology ... #gastroenterology
Management and Complications of Cirrhosis and Ascites

Ascites Workup Algorithm
Ascites Management
Refractory Ascites
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP)
Hepatic Hydrothorax
AKI in
diagnosis #management #gastroenterology ... #hepatology