23 results
Pharmacologic Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

#Hyperthyroidism #Treatment #Management #Pharmacology #Medications #Comparison #Table #Endocrinology #AAFP #Propylthiouracil #Methimazole
Propylthiouracil #Methimazole
3 Minute EM Pearls: Beta-Blocker Poisoning

PeterboroughEM @PeterboroughEM

#Diagnosis #Management #Toxicology #BetaBlocker #Beta #Blocker #Poisoning
Management #Toxicology #BetaBlocker
Pharmaceutical Management of Hyperthyroidism / Thyroid Storm
• Decreases sympathetic hyperactivity 
• Partially blocks peripheral conversion
of action than methimazole ... in pregnancy Methimazole ... blocked by PTU or methimazole
Glucagon: Bypassing β-Blockade

Glucagon pathophysiology and clinical applications in anaphylaxis and beta-blocker overdose

#Toxicology #Pharmacology #Pathophysiology #Glucagon #BetaBlocker
Pathophysiology #Glucagon #BetaBlocker
Management of acute beta blocker/calcium channel blocker overdose

#Management #Toxicology #BetaBlocker #CCB #CalciumChannelBlocker #Overdose #Toxicity #Algorithm
Management #Toxicology #BetaBlocker
REBEL Review 71: Treatment of Thyroid Storm 

Propylthiouracil (PTU) 
Saturated Solution of Potassium
Propylthiouracil (PTU) Methimazole
Beta blocker Conversion Table- Carvedilol, Metoprolol and Bisoprolol Equivalents
Converting between Beta-Blockers: Carvedilol, Metoprolol and Bisoprolol

#Pharmacology #Cardiology
Pharmacology #Cardiology #BetaBlocker
Beta Blocker approximate dose equivalents

Carvedilol 12.5 mg BlD 
Labetalol 100 mg BID 
Atenolol 50 mg daily
happypillsrx/ #BetaBlocker
Graves' Disease Treatment
Thionamides (mainly methimazole)
 • Chance of remission in up to 2 years
 • No
Thionamides (mainly methimazole
Beta-Blockers in Cirrhosis
 • Pathophysiology
 • Indications:  Prevention of decompensation, Prevention of first variceal bleeding,
, Carvedilol #BetaBlockers