842 results
Foot Anatomy - Foot Bones
Mnemonic - Tiger Cubs Need MILC
T - Talus
C - Calcaneus
N - Navicular
Tiger Cubs Need MILC ... Bones #Tarsals #podiatry
Foot Anatomy - Foot Bones
Mnemonic - Tiger Cubs Need MILC
T - Talus
C - Calcaneus
N - Navicular
Tiger Cubs Need MILC ... Bones #Tarsals #podiatry
CGD and Mulch Pneumonitis
This acute fulminant invasive fungal pneumonia in absence of iatrogenic or exogenous immunosuppression
CGD and Mulch Pneumonitis ... aerosolized fungal spores ... febrilepodcast.com] #CGD #Mulch
Plantar Foot Muscles - Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Plantar #Foot #Muscles #podiatry #Anatomy
Foot #Muscles #podiatry
Leg and Foot - Cutaneous Nerve Innervation - Dematomes

By @rev.med

#Leg #Foot #Cutaneous #Nerves #Innervation #Dematomes #podiatry
Innervation #Dematomes #podiatry
Cutaneous Foot Innervation - Dorsal and Plantar Nerve Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Cutaneous #Foot #Innervation #Anatomy #Nerves #podiatry #dermatomes
Anatomy #Nerves #podiatry
Diabetic foot: Primary care assessment and monitoring #Management #PrimaryCare #Podiatry #DiabeticFoot #Diabetes #Foot #Risk #Screening #BMJ
#PrimaryCare #Podiatry
Venous Anatomy - Veins of the Foot

By @rev.med

#Veins #Foot #podiatry #anatomy #venous #drainage
#Veins #Foot #podiatry
Diabetic Foot Ulcer - Peripheral Arterial Disease Assessment Algorithm

Early Revascularization vs Conservative Care

 • Arterial doppler
revascularization #podiatry
Diabetic foot risk stratification and triage (NHS Scotland) 2021
Risk stratification – Summary

These risk categories relate to
Stratficiation #Management #Podiatry