6 results
COVID19 - Community Mitigation Strategy
In the 1st (steepest) curve, virus reproduces quickly in a short period
COVID19 - Community Mitigation ... COVID19 #Community #Mitigation
Esophageal Intubation
 • Capnography Detection - No trace, Wrong place
 • Prevention and Mitigation
Prevention and Mitigation
Timeline of Events in Hubei - Effects of Social Distancing and Mitigation

Original Timeline: JAMA https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2762130

#Timeline #Hubei
Distancing and Mitigation
Somatoform Disorders - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 - Patient presents with complex medical problem or symptoms that
Factitious Disorder - Motivation ... Malingering - Motivation
Orofacial and limb dyskinesias in NMDAR encephalitis. 

Note the lip mutilation.  Pt is tracheostomized &
Note the lip mutilation
 • Sense of mission, Spiritually and emotionally well, Physically healthy, Emotionally available,
Irritable, Lack of motivation