233 results
Skin Mottling - Skin mottling, a common clinical sign in patients in shock, is a violaceous
Skin Mottling - ... Skin mottling, a ... The skin mottling ... B) #Clinical #Derm ... #PCC #Mottling
Decompression Sickness - The physical examination revealed diffuse violaceous skin mottling over his trunk and arms
violaceous skin mottling ... #Clinical #Derm
Staging of Skin Mottling

Mottling is less sensitive, but more specific for hypoperfusion and elevated mortality (figure
Staging of Skin Mottling ... Mottling is less ... Mottling suggests ... S0168827814007417 #Skin #Mottling
Skin Mottling - Staging
1 - Modest mottling area (coin size)
2 - Moderate area that does not
Skin Mottling - ... Staging 1 - Modest mottling ... fold #Skin #Mottling
Rapid Pediatric Assessment Diagram:
* Assessment of Appearance
  - Tone: Moves spontaneously, resists examination
- Pallor - Mottling
Key Clinical Points for Rosacea #Management #Derm #PrimaryCare #Rosacea #Overview #TakeHome #NEJM
Rosacea #Management #Derm
The preterm infant compared with the term infant. 

#Preterm #Premature #Term #Comparison #PhysicalExam #Features #Peds #Pediatrics
compared with the term ... Preterm #Premature #Term
Xanthomas in Familial Hypercholesterolemia #Clinical #PrimaryCare #Derm #Xanthomas #FamilialHypercholesterolemia #Hypercholesterolemia #NEJM
#PrimaryCare #Derm
Acanthosis Nigricans and Insulin Resistance - A 27-year-old woman presented with a 2-year history of acanthosis
B) #Clinical #Derm
Petechiae are small, red lesions caused when capillaries leak blood into the skin. Petechiae larger than
Clinical #EM #IM #Derm