295 results
Muller's sign in Aortic Regurgitation - Systolic pulsations of the uvula 

#Mullers #sign #aortic #insufficiency #regurgitation
Muller's sign in ... the uvula #Mullers
Muller's sign in Aortic Regurgitation - Systolic pulsations of the uvula 

In chronic severe aortic regurgitation,
Muller's sign in ... #Mullers #sign #
Müller's sign is the pulsation or bobbing of the uvula that occurs during systole.  It
#Mullers #sign #
Cullen Sign Pancreatitis #Clinical #EM #IM #Cullen #Pancreatiis #Sign #PhysicalExam
Cullen Sign Pancreatitis ... Clinical #EM #IM #Cullen
Radial Head Subluxation (Nursemaids Elbow) #Mechanism #Ortho #Nursemaids #Pulled #Elbow #ALiEM
Ortho #Nursemaids #Pulled
Cullen's sign. Lipase 1,781. Bruising in the skin around the umbilicus. This sign is named after
Thomas Stephen Cullen ... #pancreatitis #cullen
Miller Fisher Syndrome (MFS) on Neurological Examination

Miller Fisher Syndrome (MFS)- a variant of Guillain Barre syndrome
Miller Fisher Syndrome ... Examination Miller ... bobvarkey #MFS #Miller
Gunshot Wound - Bullet on Echocardiogram 

35 y/o with multiple GSWs. Where is the chest bullet?

Gunshot Wound - Bullet ... Where is the chest bullet ... #Gunshot #GSW #Bullet
Bullet Embolization in the Right Ventricle on POCUS Echocardiogram
22M s/p GSW to left mid-abdomen. Positive FAST
Bullet Embolization ... Right ventricular bullet ... IVC, leading to bullet ... The bullet lodged ... @UAB_Sono #Bullet
Twinkle artifact from retained bullet on POCUS
Patient had pain and swelling so performed POCUS to see
from retained bullet ... Twinkle #artifact #bullet