4 results
Dynamic CT Myelograms can help identify the source of spinal CSF Leaks. 
1. Place a sponge
Dynamic CT Myelograms ... MarkMamloukMD #CTMyelogram ... #Myelogram #CSFLeak
Labeled Abdominal XRay Anatomy - IV Pyelogram 
#Anatomy #Radiology #Abdomen #XRay #IVP #Pyelogram #Labeled
XRay Anatomy - IV Pyelogram ... Abdomen #XRay #IVP #Pyelogram
When to look for clonal/neoplastic hypereosinophilia (HEo)?
 - Exclusion of frequent causes (Drug-induced HEo, helminthiasis, cancer,
monocytosis) - Myelogram
Radiation Dose to Adults from Common Imaging Examinations
 - Computed Tomography (CT) — Abdomen and
- Intravenous Pyelogram