9 results
Spinal Cord Midline Myelotomy to Resect an Ependymoma

#SpinalCord #Myelotomy #Ependymoma #clinical #video #intraoperative #neurosurgery #resection
Spinal Cord Midline Myelotomy ... #SpinalCord #Myelotomy
Mitral Valve Endocarditis on POCUS Echocardiogram

This patient underwent septal myectomy and MV replacement

- Abhilash Koratala MD
underwent septal myectomy
Achalasia Management Algorithm
 - Botulinum Injection
 - Pharmacotherapy (CCB/nitrates)
 - Pneumatic Dilation
 - Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy
Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy ... Laparoscopic Heller's Myotomy
Achalasia Management Options - Decision Aid
- Peroral endoscopic Myotomy (POEM)
- Laparoscopic Heller myotomy (LHM)
- Pneumatic Dilatation
Peroral endoscopic Myotomy ... Laparoscopic Heller myotomy
Achalasia on Endoscopy - Retroflexion View

53yo male referred for achalasia. Previous tx: transthoracic myotomy (80’s), then
transthoracic myotomy ... transabdo extension of myotomy
Achalasia on Endoscopy
53yo male referred for achalasia. Previous tx: transthoracic myotomy (80’s), then take down of
transthoracic myotomy ... transabdo extension of myotomy
Achalasia Classification Types - Barium Contrast Esophagram:
1) Spindle type (classic)
2) Flask type 
3) Sigmoid type
Response to
achalasia and myotomy
Achalasia Summary

Epidemiology: 10 cases per 100,000 individuals

Defined by inadequate relaxation of the LES and aperistalsis
Primary or
Laparoscopic myotomy ... laparoscopic Heller myotomy ... peroral endoscopic myotomy
Diagnosis and Management of Achalasia - ACG Guidelines

Who to suspect?
 • Patients presenting with progressive dysphagia
Laparoscopic Heller Myotomy